Our Toy Story

10 Apr, 2019 | About Us

Once upon a time, a little dog was frolicking in his backyard with his litter sister. It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds were singing and Manneke the little dog and his sister Jerry were playing zoomies.

Jerry and Manneke playing in the backyard

Zoom Zoom Zoooooom …. OUCH! Somehow our hero dog hurt his toe!

Manneke’s Special Vet said his toe was broken and he had to stay inside and on the lead for 6 whole weeks so it could heal. This was not easy for a busy border collie.

Sore Foot!

Mama knew she was going to have to get creative if they were going to survive Manneke’s toe-valescence! She got out her sewing machine and started making Snuggly Bears, Puzzle Balls and other magical creations designed just for Manneke. He loved them!

Together they brainstormed toy ideas, and tested the prototypes. This helped Manneke stay busy while his toe healed. He liked his new toy tester job!

Toy Testing

Manneke shared pictures of his favourite new toys on his Instagram and some of his Insta friends said they liked them and wanted to know where he got them. He decided to ask Mama to make some toys that he could share with his friends .. and so ‘Manneke’s Toys’ was born.

Our toys are designed and handmade by Mama and approved by Manneke – with help from his sister Jerry and his kitteh bros Ajax and Pixelkitteh. We like toys that are quirky and cute and get our brains working and our fluffbutts moving.

Check out Manneke’s Toys in our Shop! We hope you like them too!

Tell me what you think!

Tell us about your favourite toys in the comments below. What would you like us to make next?

Love from Manneke the Pup


OHHAI! My name is Manneke and this is my Dog-Blog!

Check Me Out on Insta!

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